The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

and how to make ur girlfriend to love u more and to be more feminine with a gamer dude!!

5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

letter to the gamer girls:

..... get a life!!

5338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5338d ago Show

second to utilize the extra power and space they have on ps3 and bring what the real next gen GTA should be about!!

5341d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

show me one mosque in the Vatican country or else zip it and dont bring the topic of Saudi banning churches!!

and ohh please disprove just 1 miracle of the Koran if u got even 1 ball let alone 2 balls!! and be sure if u disprove a single miracle then you would be disproving great scientist and scholars that achieved for humanity so many great things to be belittled by someone like u!!

and for your info! muslims have to get permissions to build mosques in europe and t...

5342d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

however to the people, a good muslim will be seen from his/her actions!! because thats what we see as humans!! we cant go dive in someone's soul!!

but i think playing or doing anything which is against the teaching of islam should be forbidden!!

i played GOW but now that i think of it, it can be a bad thing i did!! however the God of non muslims is different than Allah!! they use the term God as something simply very powerful!! it can be a human with some super power...

5342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

u r funny but not!!

show me where you find a Mosque in the Vatican and i will show you where there is a church in Saudi Arabia!!

Islam allows what is good and banns what is bad!! the choice should not be given to do bad things or else u will see many bad things and the west is full of it!!

to know the true islam watch this:

to ...

5342d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

the bible does mention prophet Mohamed PBUH name in the original script of the old testament!! in songs of solomon chapter 5 verse 16: in the Hebrew language says

but the Christians as usual changed the name from Mohamedim to "all together lovely"

also prophet Mohamed(PBUH) was referred in many places in the bible like in h...

5342d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

does any body even care to know 1.5 billion people religion?

if so then watch this video, it put it all in a nice words and clear!


i see u r very informed and well educated to know about these things! i see u close to the islamic teachings! i really hope one day the guidance from Allah comes to you!

for the rest ...

5342d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

live in different world which some devils created for them so suck their lives and their mind and their souls!!

do anyone think a faithful believer of God will do such things??

5342d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

no wonder the suicide rate over there is high!!

5342d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

when u let the devils rule u/when u follow what they say

5342d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

unless u change your faith and repent!!

5342d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

unless they change!!

pathetic really!! and suppose this guys live in a rich family!!

i think the poor africans have a better life this these morons!!

5342d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

just think how many people will be save from that money!!

5342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i.e. plants and snow and also water!!

i dont like dark game no matter how good is the game!! uncharted 2 FTW

5343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

let me give u some facts.

1: America is the land of the natives!!! so u r still foreigners in north America came from Europe!!

2: your ancestors killed 100 million women and children and men and elders of the natives without mercy without a justified reason except that u want more gold and land and you were more advanced at the time.

3: the americans when they arrived to north america they not only wiped out the natives but also the animals too!!(truly b...

5344d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

HHG, u r funny as always, some times u make sense and sometimes u lose it!!

keep up the spirit!! the industry surely is full of anti ps3 journalist who makes sense once a year, so ps3 fans and sony need guys like you out there to bounce off the other guys.

keep it up, and pros for being innovative in journalism!! now we see many copy cats that doesnt make much sense.

5344d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

square just missed it up by going to DVD with 360!! they cut out content that can make a complete game!!

besides 360 is a console of hardcore shooting fans!! why well they want to take a big risk and dump down the game to release it for last gen DVD technology??

for their sake i really hope MS payed them 10-20 million USD or else they are in deep trouble!!

5344d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and i really dont think the graphics would be 8.5/10 since the first bioshock maximized the 360 to its limit in the graphics department.

so conclusion is IGN is under the 360 fanboys raid. last reviews of ps3 games were simply harsh and they wend over board with the low scores!!

i think IGN staff under the effect of modern warfare 2 side effects!!

any way i never take reviews so seriously! i loved bioshock 1 and with multiplayer am sure will love it even...

5344d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment